ascii gridの例文
- OpenJUMP nevertheless also reads and writes ESRI Shapefiles and supports ESRI ASCII grid format with an OpenJump plugin from the SIGLE team.
- A binary format was chosen for the data in order to improve performance and data storage as compared with more traditional ASCII grids.
- While OpenJUMP is considered primarily a vector based GIS, it also supports rasters, as TIF files or the above ESRI ASCII grid.
- The possibility of user intervention allows to set desirable effective resolution, automatically crop invalid regions as well as to define the region of the reconstructed area to be included in the resulting DEM . PhotoScan supports DEM export as GeoTIFF elevation data, Arc / Inpho ASCII grid, Band interleaved file format, XYZ file format that guarantees compatibility with major tools to be used to work with geoinformation products later.